The Plan of Salvation

Caught in the act—caught red handed. Spotting forbidden fruit, she had succumbed to temptation. The pressure of her mind’s conflict temporarily subsided when she convinced herself of a must-have. Then she crossed the line. She violated a law. She committed a wrong. Now the burden of her decision increased the struggle. Consequences would now follow. And regret asks why did I do it?

Most likely we all have landed in situations where we’ve succumbed to temptation. Rules and regulations exist, but sometimes we choose not to obey them. We question authority. We believe we know best. We follow our will instead of God’s. Because we refuse to heed His message, we create a mess.

Throughout the ages people have disregarded God’s instructions. Even though rules are meant for mankind’s protection, many people see them as roadblocks to their own objectives. Adam and Eve doubted and disobeyed God’s command. Consequences resulted. But God had a plan of salvation. The Israelites wandered in the desert and disobeyed God’s commandments. Consequences resulted, but God had a plan of salvation. King David desired another man’s wife and disregarded God’s law. Consequences resulted, but God had a plan of salvation.

The Bible contains story after story of sinful human beings who chose to disobey God’s law. Oh what consequences they endured. Even today the human story is filled with sinful acts against God. It feels as though we are drowning in consequences. When mankind succumbs to the tempter’s power, lives are damaged and destroyed. But God had a plan of salvation.

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6 (NIV)

Have you felt powerless in the struggle with good and evil? Have you yielded to temptation? Is your life a mess because of wrongdoing? There is One who can change your life. His name is Jesus. He is God’s plan of salvation.

We deserved death as the consequence to our transgressions. But God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to save us from our sins. Jesus Christ died in our place. He is willing to take away our sin and clean us up with a shower of grace. He offers forgiveness. Will we accept His offering? Or will we choose to continue in our disobedience?