Be Still and Behold


A month has sped by and I’m remembering the fun and fury ushered in during December 2023. I describe it as Christmas chaos. Having downsized to a two bedroom condo, my husband and I have little space to offer guests. The challenge to occupy our modest place with our visiting family began three days before Christmas and lasted a week. 

The days were noisy and chaotic, thrilling and extraordinary, full of food and surprises. But nighttime didn’t bring the needed rest as the toddler slept on a small bed with us, his grandparents, in one bedroom and the baby slept in a crib by his parents in the other. Terror, tears, feedings, and fears beset us all as we dealt with the two young children adjusting to a cramped and strange environment in a different time zone. Sleepless nights evolved into bleary days. 

As time ticked on, we gathered together with extended family members, creating more disorder and at times, discord. Tis’ the season, right? To gather and give thanks for the Savior baby with the families we love who also infuriate us. Merry Christmas. 

Whenever I got the chance to hold my four month old grandson, I wondered about Mary and her baby boy. What a chaotic mess to be pregnant and traveling by donkey to the hometown of her husband. Arriving and awaiting delivery, they found no place to stay. No room in the inns. 

They finally settled into a stable as a birthing room and placed the newborn babe in a manger or trough where animals feed. Mary probably felt some anxiety and stress. But oh to behold Him, the One who was a special delivery from a Heavenly Father. What honor and joy she must have felt to bring into a chaotic world the Prince of Peace, Immanuel the God with us. 

Silently studying my grandson as he lay defenseless in a crib, I realized his helplessness. With stillness all around, I thought of my God, my Savior, the Creator of the world. He came into our world, the one He created, to live like His created ones. What sacrificial surrender! What supreme humility! What amazing love!

Suddenly the chaos became hushed harmony. Behold, shepherds and magi came from afar to see the fulfillment of the promise of a newborn King. And far off into the future, many more people gather to celebrate the birth of this Promised One, Jesus the Messiah, the Savior of the world. 

Praise the God who entered our chaos and gave us a silent night of promise. 

From Mess to Message

If we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.  2 Timothy 2:13 (ESV)

I sat alone in my living room, recovering from the flu and a horrible lingering cough. While my body regained strength, my heart grew weary with regret. Christmas decorations still adorned my house. I couldn’t put them away because I wanted a do-over. 

The expectations of a joyful holiday had collided with disappointments: outdoor Christmas Eve service cancelled due to extreme weather conditions and our annual extended kinfolk gathering halted due to illness. Then the last day with our out-of-town daughter and her family concluded with misunderstandings and arguments. And yet, the hope of Christmas, Immanuel—God with us, abided with us. His faithfulness transcended all of our faithless uncertainties and divisiveness. 

Sitting solo in silence, I desired restoration with my people and forgiveness from God. I looked around the room and caught sight of the jumbled toy nativity set on a nearby shelf. It had provided entertainment for my two-year-old grandson. Tears fell as I stared at the jumbled mess. What a mishmash he had left. But what good news it now proclaimed!

God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son to provide salvation for sinful mankind.* Jesus entered a broken world in desperate need of forgiveness, grace, and mercy. He exchanged heavenly royalty for earthly humility, giving up indescribable power to be born a babe in a manger. Jesus lived life with humanity, modeling the love of His Heavenly Father. He was Immanual—God with us.* Through His crucifixion, death, and resurrection, Jesus Christ gained abundant life on earth and eternal life in heaven for whoever would believe in Him. 

What love the Heavenly Father lavished on His children.* He sent His Son Jesus to die for us while we were still sinners.* And He loved me enough to remind me of His marvelous message of salvation through a little messy manger scene.

God composes messages out of messes. They’re evident, if we’re paying attention. My soul despaired until God spoke and thankfully, I listened. He brought new life to the new year. 

How was your Christmas? Did you confront discouragement, division, disaster, or defeat? How about the new year? Do you already feel like a failure? Have you lost all hope?

Let the image of a messy manger remind you of God’s love. Even when we are faithless, He remains faithful. For He sent His Son Jesus into a wicked world, not to condemn us, but to save us. Now that’s a message this mess of a woman can take to heart.

*John 3:16

*Matthew 1:23

*1 John 3: 1

*Romans 5:8